One decision
This is my first blog, and i'm deathly scared that it's going to reach no one, but what the heck! I just want this to be a resource for everyone going through something, to let them know that it isn't just them and hopefully let people learn lesson that i wish i didn't have to learn through me. I know that nobody really understands something until they experience it but I really hope that you can experience it through my writing so that you don't actually have to! One choice, one decision- but it's so much more than that. Every. Choice. Holds. More. Weight. Than. You. Realize. Every decision you make is heavier than it seems. Each one is a pebble dropped into a still pond, its ripples stretching far beyond what you can see. It’s never just a harmless moment. One small action—one careless choice—can change the course of your life, your relationships, your reputation. Think of it this way: you’re building a house, brick by brick. Every decision is a brick you la...