One decision

 This is my first blog, and i'm deathly scared that it's going to reach no one, but what the heck! I just want this to be a resource for everyone going through something, to let them know that it isn't just them and hopefully let people learn lesson that i wish i didn't have to learn through me. I know that nobody really understands something until they experience it but I really hope that you can experience it through my writing so that you don't actually have to!

One choice, one decision- but it's so much more than that.

Every. Choice. Holds. More. Weight. Than. You. Realize. 

Every decision you make is heavier than it seems. Each one is a pebble dropped into a still pond, its ripples stretching far beyond what you can see. It’s never just a harmless moment. One small action—one careless choice—can change the course of your life, your relationships, your reputation. Think of it this way: you’re building a house, brick by brick. Every decision is a brick you lay. Some seem sturdy, others hastily placed, but over time, the cracks in those weak choices begin to show. One day, you’ll stand inside that house, wondering why it doesn’t feel safe. People will notice too. Not directly, not cruelly, but subtly—an unspoken shift in how they see you. They won’t say it, but it’s there: assumptions, judgments, whispers louder than the truth of who you are. These aren’t bad friends. They care about you, but even they can’t unsee the patterns your choices have painted. Now, imagine a moment. You brush off a warning, thinking, “It’s not a big deal.” Years pass. Suddenly, you find yourself standing amidst the ruins of trust you never meant to break, wondering how it all unraveled. Pause. Feel the weight of your choices pressing against your chest. Every decision you make writes a story about who you are. Will this moment be one you’re proud to tell? Or one you wish you could rewrite? So before you “YOLO” your way into a situation, stop. Think twice. Because the next second, you may regret it—not for a moment, but for a lifetime. Save yourself the trouble. Learn from my mistakes. Choose wisely, because once the ripples start, there’s no pulling them back.

I found this poem (credit to owner) and I believe that it ties into this message very well! Let me know your thoughts on it!

“Who Cares”

“Who cares,” I said, as tears carved rivers down my face.
“It isn’t even true,” I explained between shaking sobs.
“Why would they think that?” I whispered.
But I knew.

I knew exactly why they thought so.
I knew the decision I had made
And the shadows it cast.
The assumptions it invited.
But I did it anyway.

I knew this would happen, but I did it anyway.
I knew it was the wrong choice, but I did it anyway.
I knew, long before I acted, that it would haunt me.
But I did it anyway.

And now I call it a lesson in disguise.
But let’s be real—
I saw it coming miles away.
The warning signs, glaring.
The regret, inevitable.
But I ignored it all.
And. I. Did. It. Anyway.

Now, every day, I wish I hadn’t.
Every day, I hope the echoes of that choice will fade.
But they don’t.
